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Critical connections beyond weight loss

People are wired for connection. It’s an evolutionary survival mechanism innate in even the most introverted of us. And it’s repeated from our cultural community and tribal tendencies all the way down to a cellular level in the body. Connection in the context of health and wellness can look like mindfulness practices, building self awareness through meditation and journaling, setting healthy boundaries, improving work life balance, strengthening relationships with family and friends, getting involved in your community, building your own communication and leadership skills, tapping into hobbies and activities that bring you joy.

On the surface those things might not seem as critical to our health as getting our blood pressure under control or lowering our cholesterol and losing weight. But it’s precisely BECAUSE those things are critical that we need to acknowledge the influence that our connection to ourselves and our community has on those more measurable health outcomes. Today we’re discussing the internal and external connections that matter when we’re making changes to our health.

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Life Coaching, Entrepreneur, Stress Relief Ericka Thomas Life Coaching, Entrepreneur, Stress Relief Ericka Thomas

Mental fitness and Mastering your saboteurs with Life Coach Jenny Toh

mental fitness, based on the training that I did with Dr Shirzad Charmine, Positive Intelligence is the, the way you look at life situation from a positive and resilient mindset, as opposed to a negative one. So it doesn't mean that you know you put on a smiley face all the time. No, it’s looking at the situation objectively and seeing what you can glean from it. Yes you have those feelings like grief, anger, anxiety, but then experience those feelings. And after that, be able to take a step back and ask yourself, what is the gift in the situation, what is the learning opportunity here.

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