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Conscious Awareness with Brian Berneman

My guest today is Brian Berneman. He is a well being leader, international speaker host of the conscious action podcast and as a holistic coach and co founder of conscious action and you being you he helps people discover a conscious way of living and how to have a positive impact in the world. Today on the work in we'll be exploring how to use the mind body connection in order to take conscious action towards your goals in the new year, among many, many other things.

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mental health, Stress Relief, healing Ericka Thomas mental health, Stress Relief, healing Ericka Thomas

EFT: Tapping into Emotional Freedom w/ Melanie Yates

Melanie is a certified EFT therapist with a multi modal approach and years of practice in health care. Melanie takes her knowledge, experience love and light and successfully mentors others. She has coached hundreds into a world of self fulfillment and freedom. She helps clients who feel stuck, find ways out of darkness and bondage by incorporating simple but effective practices that create neural pathways to positivity and happiness. She specializes in difficult challenges, including PTSD, addiction, depression and anxiety. Melanie is a best selling author of the book happy, joyous and free, as well as a sought after inspirational speaker. 

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