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How to maximize your credibility with continuing education

They say that if you're not growing, you may as well be dying. As harsh as that sounds it may be true. Especially when it comes to continuing education in the wellness space. Health, fitness, wellness, nutrition, medicine, mindset; all of those fields are constantly changing. We learn new things every day about the body that we live in and it takes time for that new understanding to filter out into the general population. Fitness and wellness professionals are a big part of how that information gets out. But only if we make an effort to go and collect it, curate it and then translate it to our peeps. And in that process we can influence the health and wellbeing of our people in powerful ways while still staying within our scope of practice. One of the ways we can do that is through continuing education.

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Social Media, Online business Ericka Thomas Social Media, Online business Ericka Thomas

Hackers, firewalls and scorched earth

We all want to feel safe. But when you come up against some kind of violation, any kind of violation like a hacker stealing your entire Instagram content library for the last three years, that was three years of content that was stolen from me. That is a violation. It's a surface violation. If I pull back a little bit or withdraw from the anger and the irritation, the frustration of dealing with this, I can look at it and say this is really just scratching the surface of who you are. And I truly believe that…

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wellness, online wellness, beauty mindset Ericka Thomas wellness, online wellness, beauty mindset Ericka Thomas

Freedom from the Wellness Fairytale: Finding effortless wellbeing with Paula Davis

But at the core, what are we really dealing with and we're dealing with this idea that there's a prescription for the way that you should eat or a prescription for how you should take care of your skin, how you should move your body, that ultimately is going to provide whatever it is that you're looking for whether it's happiness, success in your career, a better relationship with your in your marriage or with your significant other, and it just keeps coming back to our bodies are on, well that the, that our body is our brand it's who we are. And it's equated with what we receive in the world. And I just wanted to put the kibosh on it, I wanted to kind of lift the veil.

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