Freedom from the Wellness Fairytale: Finding effortless wellbeing with Paula Davis



Paula Davis  0:03  

But at the core, what are we really dealing with and we're dealing with this idea that there's a prescription for the way that you should eat or a prescription for how you should take care of your skin, how you should move your body, that ultimately is going to provide whatever it is that you're looking for whether it's happiness, success in your career, a better relationship with your in your marriage or with your significant other, and it just keeps coming back to our bodies are on, well that the, that our body is our brand it's who we are. And it's equated with what we receive in the world. And I just wanted to put the kibosh on it, I wanted to kind of lift the veil.

Ericka Thomas  0:54  

Welcome to the work IN, your guide to natural ways out of stress, tension, and trauma. My name is Ericka Thomas. I'm a certified trauma release exercise provider health coach, and yoga instructor, and I'm fusing my 20 plus years of experience to bring you a new perspective on health and wellness. I believe that true health and healing begins and ends with the nervous system. And that means, for most of us, we need to reintroduce those connections. The great news is that we can, and that's what the work IN is all about. Throughout this podcast, you'll find tools, resources, practices, people, and perspectives that will help you add to your own resilience arsenal and shake off the effects of all sources of chronic physical, mental, and emotional stress, my intention is solely to bring you information and empower you with permission to stop working out and start working in.

The work IN is brought to you by Kinetic Grace Resilience. Kinetic grace is an online program designed to teach safe self regulation of the stress response through the body using trauma release exercise guided body awareness, and the breath. The program includes private instruction, exclusive access to certified providers and 30 days of group classes. And because it's online, kinetic grace is available anywhere you are. Enrollment is open now. Visit elemental to learn more. 

Welcome back to the work IN. We are in the middle of our series this month on the freedom that health and well being can bring into our lives in really really practical ways. Today is part one of a new conversation with my dear friend and colleague, Paula Davis. You may remember her from Episode 8, where she shared her take on self care as self love. Paula is a movement instructor and business owner with a passion for helping women find real well being that they deserve. She's on a mission to free women from the wellness fairy tale, to help them end their toxic, up and down romance with diets, gimmicks, food dogma, prescriptive fitness and societal body type norms. She wants to help them listen to and connect with their own inner wisdom to nourish their body, mind and soul, all while providing simple doable four minute practices that they can customize to meet all of their specific needs. In today's episode, Paula explains what that wellness fairy tale is, the six foundational elements that go into true well being and four minute practices to find freedom and effortlessness in our everyday health. The real practical ways that we can move towards real well being. Please enjoy Part one of my conversation with Paula Davis. Welcome to the work in Paula, I am so excited to talk to you today.

Paula Davis  4:32  

I'm excited to be here. Thank you for the invitation.

Ericka Thomas  4:35  

Well let's get right into it here and just as a reminder, Paula was on the work IN back in February, talking about self love and self care, and creating your own personal self care, rituals, kind of outside of the box thinking about self care, and I wanted to have her back on today to kind of share some of the new things that she's working on but also I wanted to give you a chance Paula to kind of pull some of that back in, and we're talking all about freedom this month. So can you share a little bit about what your journey has been to get you to this point in your business, and with your mission. And in this community based wellness that you're offering

Paula Davis  5:33  

The easiest place to start is kind of like they say at the beginning. In my teenage years I was a dancer. So very preoccupied with the body as ballet dancers are. And this was in the late 70s, early 80s When it was pretty common for moms to have Dexatrim laying around Dexatrim was an over the counter weight loss pill that a lot of women were taking then. So the dancers would be kind of snacking on those whenever mom left him around. And then, eventually, you know, used our babysitting money to buy dexatrim, and then so the leap into unhealthy eating and unhealthy understanding of the body began. 

So that was my journey. So I work with women today and I find that that the kind of dissatisfaction that I saw in the mirror as a teenager, women in their 50s, and 60s still have it. And I was like wow, you know, we really have to... It's time. This has been going on for me for decades, I'm 55 years old, and in a 35 year to 45 year time period, nothing has changed when it comes to how women see themselves in the mirror. And then this idea of how diet and fitness and beauty are reflected back to us through magazines, through social media. And the message that we're being sent, is that we're not enough. And I think we've seen and heard and been inundated with this message over and over again, day in and day out that we just totally believe it. 

So I wanted to do something with my business. I'm a movement instructor, natural beauty, educator, health coach certified in raw food preparation and holistic food preparations. And I was like okay this is all well and good.But at the core, what are we really dealing with and we're dealing with this idea that there's a prescription for the way that you should eat or a prescription for how you should take care of your skin, how you should move your body, that ultimately is going to provide whatever it is that you're looking for whether it's happiness, success in your career, a better relationship with your in your marriage or with your significant other, and it just keeps coming back to our bodies are, well that the, that our body is our brand.It's who we are. And it's equated with what we receive in the world. And I just wanted to put the kibosh on it, I wanted to kind of lift the veil.

That for my existence for the last 35 years for me, diet and fitness and beauty has all been about a culture that is selling to me what it is that they perceive I want and I bought into the culture thinking okay, that here's where I need to go for the skin that I've always wanted Here's where I go to get rid of my muffin top. Here's where I go to feel strong, and then even better yet, if I want to be confident, if I want to be empowered.  I stopped looking to me for all of that and started looking at what I was putting in my body, how I was moving my body. And what I looked like or was perceived by others. And I was done with it. 

So that's kind of how my business grew from being a wellness coach that initially started with helping people with cancer, natural preventative treatments for, you know if you have cancer in your family and that history, how can we prevent it in your body in your DNA, what can we do, how can you feed the body better so that cancer doesn't survive or proliferate. Then I moved into sports performance because I had all these kids I have five, if you recall my youngest is 17 My oldest is 26 all played competitive collegiate sports. So then I moved into that whole realm of competitive sports, you know, how do we perform on the ice, the court the field.

And as my young girls turned into women. And because I had this backstory that my daughters at the time were unaware of, of eating disorders and believe me, and then trying to figure out like never feeling good enough never feeling pretty enough. And here I was telling them everyday. Oh you're gorgeous. You're beautiful, you know, all those things that I thought I was affirming. 

And then and then as they started to come of age and media really infiltrated their world social media feeds especially. And I started seeing them question their value, and their worth. And I thought, Okay, how many times did they say to me Oh Mom You look really good in that and I say oh no I don't it really shows up my muffin top, I hate that I can't wear this shirt, or you know those pair of pants. Make me look hippy, or I can't go out because my face broke out, and I have this cystic acne and I feel horrible. So, all of a sudden it was like my wellness journey all came and like exploded into this area that was focusing on women, specifically, Diet, fitness, and beauty, and that culture, what they are expecting from us what they're taking from us, and what I wanted my daughters to reclaim and I too had to reclaim it in order for them to be able to see that to model it so it was, it opened it up for all of us and then that's how my business changed into kind of where it is today. It's kind of a long story but that's the gist of it.

Ericka Thomas  11:29  

No, it, and you bring up some really good points there, I think it's fascinating. I was thinking about this before our call. How influential our parents are, mothers specifically, and their beliefs and actions around food and diet and nutrition. Really form our own beliefs, and then how deep we hold them, if we're not paying attention. If we don't really think about it, how they can be really really self destructive, and not in a really obvious way, it's really subtle.Like having this false perception of reality when you look in the mirror. I mean it's just us standing in front of the mirror looking at yourself with these ideas that you have brought with you from childhood. And these ideas about what a diet should be or how to change the body, or that we have to change our body because for some reason what we're seeing is not right. Is that what you're talking about when you talk about the wellness fairy tale?

Paula Davis  12:48  

Yeah, for me, like, um, so the wellness fairy tale started off kind of in this, this aha movement. I had a moment that I'm like for all intensive purposes I had been duped. Like, I had invested lots and lots of money in fitness and in programs in serums and creams and lotions, and I was like, why is it that I still don't like the woman looking back at me in the mirror? You know I really expected you know, that I wanted the woman, I wanted the things that I was purchasing and that I was investing in. They were supposed to translate into I was supposed to like me. And that's not the way it worked. And to make matters worse,

Ericka Thomas  13:36  

That's what they sell, right? they sell the transformation to you, but the transformation is really self transformation, it's not an external you can't expect an external transformation. If you're not going to change something on the inside as well.

Paula Davis  13:56  

Yeah, I think it's twofold so part of it for me was this idea that I expected this transformation. I also expected all the bottles, and the books that I purchased and you know all the things that I bought to keep their promises. And in many cases they don't. So I was like okay, you know, am I buying the wrong things. So that was the idea. 

Well I bought these things and they didn't work so I must not have done my due diligence well enough. I need to research more, and I need to find out what products for acne for instance. I had severe cystic acne in my 30s and 40s to the point that like, I didn't want to, I mean like I would crouch down in my car in the pickup circle to pick up my kids, because my face was a bleeding fester of sores. And I really thought that I just hadn't found the right product yet for me. 

Yet when I paid attention to my beauty from the inside out. I not only cleared up that acne, but I also started to focus on the things that were causing me stress in my life that were making me insecure, which was feeding the acne more than not finding the perfect product to kill the bacteria and heal my skin.

And I, I also think that wellness fairy tale feeds off our love-hate relationship with ourselves. Yeah, it's a lot easier to buy a product or to pick up a book, than it is to kind of dive into ourselves and find out why is it so hard for us to lock eyes with that woman in the mirror, what is she showing back to us, that we're having issue with.

Ericka Thomas  15:42  

Yeah, yeah, that's great, that's great. So, part of your program is based on six foundational elements of well being. Can you talk about what those are and just a little bit about each of those,

Paula Davis  16:00  

Sure, my philosophy is based on six functional elements of well being. Just so far, so that we’re really clear, I almost rarely like it's a conscious effort for me not to use the word “wellness”. Because wellness kind of became and I think it is for a lot of women, this idea of checking off boxes, like if I do wellness, I will be well. And it's like, no, Just doing wellness, just checking off the boxes is just checking off boxes, it's not well being. It’s kind of like it is about like brushing your teeth. Brushing your teeth is not something that you have to think about doing in the morning, when you're late for a meeting, you still find time to brush your teeth.

Ericka Thomas  16:48  

Yes that's true.

Paula Davis  16:49  

Yeah, well this on the other hand we worked out in the morning we check off the boxes, we oversleep and there goes the wellness routine. It doesn't happen that day, the exercise doesn't happen. So I really wanted to pull together six foundational elements that I thought no matter what, every day, you need a little bit of this.

So the first one is nourishing foods, and foods do more than nourish our body, they nourish our mind. And on a connective level, they nourish our soul because they bring us together, generally at a table with people that we love so nourishing foods for body, mind and soul. 

The second is movement and breath, to me, you can't have one without the other. This

Ericka Thomas  17:35  

is true, you cannot can't move without breath. You may not think about your breath, but it's still happening for you.

Paula Davis  17:42  

Yeah, yeah, absolutely, and movement is the is the healthiest form of stress that we can put the body under and then teach the nervous system that during stress, we don't hold our breath, we breathe, and it carries over to so many areas of our life so movement and breath, are always together.

Aromatic apothecary. I am right now finishing up a level two clinical professional aromatherapy certification, and I look at Aromatherapy from a synergistic perspective. Not just a this oil heels that are not heals that but may provide relief in for that particular circumstance or condition in the body. So aromatic apothecary to me brings in that body, mind and soul. 

So for instance if you have neck pain, we could be muscular skeletal, it could be hormonal, it could be stress, it could be anger. It could be a variety of different things so just grabbing an essential oil that's for pain may not necessarily be what you need so I like to educate women on that spiritual practices.

So I definitely, I am a practicing spiritual person, and whether that's prayer for some or meditation for another I think bringing in a few minutes, or spiritual practices every day is great and important for grounding. And in addition to grounding I say nature and the elements.

So whether that's walking barefoot in the grass, hugging a tree, taking a walk in the rain, paying attention to the colors, the vast array of colors that are in front of you when you're outside, connecting to nature. 

And then the last of those six functional elements is self love rituals, which can be a matter, they can be a date night, and romance, it can be a bath, taking care of yourself, it can be it can fall into natural beauty, it can fall into connective, like I said relationships with others. But what are you doing that is sacred for yourself? Making yourself a priority and ritual in nature. Meaning by ritual that you do it intentionally, not something like a sugar scrub that you just splatter on your body to hop in the shower is not a self love ritual. That is just a way to exfoliate the skin, completely different.

Ericka Thomas  20:13  

Gotcha. Yeah, that intentionality is important there. When, when we're talking about that for sure. That just sounds like a lot, I mean it sounds like a lot, there's, there's lots of layers to Being Well, as we know, I mean it's never ever just about doing one thing. you can't just pick one thing, but if you're overwhelmed. To begin with, where do you recommend that people begin to move forward towards a more well rounded well being,

Paula Davis  20:45  

Generally what we do when we say we're going to make wellness a priority. We look for that period of time 60 minutes a day 90 minutes a day where we say okay, I'm going to have my morning routine and my evening routine or I'm going to work out of this period of day. And for a lot of people it doesn't work out, and they end up kind of picking and choosing. That's where we get back to checking off those boxes like on this day I'm going to work out. And the next day I might do a little bit of prayer, the third day okay I'm too ... I'm too filled with family responsibilities and work responsibilities. 

So I what I found was that with my clients everybody had pockets of free time throughout the day. And so I started saying okay because I was really big about writing everything down and doing all the logs and following almost a prescriptive, wellness, when I changed everything to looking at well being. I was like, how do we, well being is throughout our day? It's not just 90 minutes at the beginning of the day or 30 minutes at the end of the day. So we started working with my clients to find free pockets of time throughout the day where they could pick one of those six functional elements and give it four minutes. And we started to realize that if you give four minutes to each one of the six functional elements that is only 24 minutes in the day. Can we find 24 minutes throughout the day, pretty easily when we're looking for four minute increments. 

And that was how I took my practices in those six functional elements, whether it was balance or breathwork or a self care ritual, you know, a self love ritual or even preparing a smoothie or a chia pudding. How can I get it down to four minutes a day, so that I could be intentional, so I could get the most of those four minutes and really have it feed my, my body, my mind and my soul for four minutes and make myself a priority for four minutes even as a mom of five even though I don't have babies anymore. Sometimes I think the demands of teenagers and 20 Somethings are worse than the toddlers.

But I could find that pocket. And I could make myself a priority. Many days my practice is more than 24 minutes. But no matter what. It's always those free pockets throughout the day. And some days they may focus more on breath and movement and spiritual practices. Another day, I may focus more on being out in nature and then doing my body of breath while I'm out in nature, and kind of getting a two for one that, but that's how I do it so those four minute practices I think are really key to utilize the free pockets of time that we have throughout the day.

Ericka Thomas  23:41  

Yeah, that is, that the way you put that together is really, it should feel very freeing for people to hear that because, because we get hung up on this idea that fitness and wellness and, you know, whatever you're going to do for your health has to take us out of our day, has to remove us from our day in order for us to do it. And it has to be very complicated or time consuming, and it takes a lot of thought and preparation, and while in the beginning you might be all for that, that kind of behavior change is really big for people it's it's sometimes cost prohibitive and when I say cost I'm talking about the cost and time and the effort to learn it right to learn it to make it into a habit so when you break it down into those four minute bites seems very doable. Is that enough? Is it enough to see results?

Paula Davis  24:52  

So, this is the way I look at it, first of all, in order to bring calmness to the body, huge impact. When we lower our blood pressure and balance our hormones, we're going to see a big difference in bringing calmness to the body. If you are intentionally present for those 25 minutes, and you've never been intentionally present at all, whirling, like a tornado through your life, there's going to be benefits in that. 

The other thing that I think is really important and I don't know if I'll do a really good job articulating it but I like to say that wellness is hard, but well being is effortless. Now, someone will say to me, it's not effortless Paula, you're finding your pockets throughout the day and you're doing these four minutes and you're being intentional about it. And I say yes, in the beginning, but let's take something like dry brushing for instance, in the beginning dry brushing may be a four minute practice that you do you choose to do a couple days a week, you may enjoy it so much the benefits of, you know, invigorating your system and getting your lymphatic system going and feeling more awake in the exfoliation that it provides to the skin that you might choose to do dry brushing, not as a four minute practice but just as something you do in the morning when you wake up, you brush your teeth, you wash your face, you take a few minutes and you dry brush before you go in the shower. Now you're not looking at that dry brushing as a four minute practice, you're looking at it, just like our brushing our teeth, isn't a four minute practice. So over time you're actually building wonderful habits that feed and nourish your body, your mind in your soul, that become a part of your daily routine, just like brushing your teeth, and so then maybe pelvic floor health you sneeze, you pee, you cough  you pee, and you think, okay, I really need to do those pelvic floor exercises and that's not like something I'm excited to do. So I find four minutes for that. But dry brushing, no longer a four minute practice, it's just something that is embodiment, it's something you do, it's something you would miss if you didn't do it. 

So that's the goal is to be working through our day and just using those for those pockets of free time. As we would picking up a book that we really, really love that you know, really had us at that cliffhanger last night, and if you can only get five minutes further in that book, in between making a meal or a break in a project at work, you're going to covet it you're going to want it, you're going to spend those five minutes you're going to enjoy it, you're going to close the book and then go on to the next practice project.

 I also find that the four minute practice, especially for women that are working entrepreneurs, writers, creative people, that it's a boost of creativity, not just energy to take four minutes after you've finished a project. Close that project out with four minutes of practice, open up the next project, with four minutes of practice, and your intention, your breathing into that project is going to be totally different than when you're slamming one thing and just moving on to the next.

Ericka Thomas  28:13  

That is really the holy grail of well being, really, to be able to take things that you don't that you've never done before, maybe that you that you know are good for you. And, and, like what you said, embody them into your everyday activity. It's like the difference from being on a diet, to just being what you eat, right, this is just how you eat. There's no being on a diet anymore, which I think most of us would really appreciate it like we don't have to do anything separate for, you know, six, 8,12 weeks. We can just embody this new way of nourishing our body on a regular basis, and let that nourishment do the work for us. And it becomes like what you were talking about; it does become effortless that way. So we can allow the body to kind of heal itself. We give it what it needs, all of those natural things that it needs and it can make the changes that it needs to make to be well. 

So that's, that's fantastic Paula.So I think what you're doing is amazing, Paula, in, in helping to educate people about that very thing just about kind of shifting the mindset around what being well can look like, and that it doesn't have to look the same for everyone, but tell us a little bit about what you are doing with your community now, And what can people expect from Beauty detangled. How is that different from other wellness businesses?

Paula Davis  30:09  

So I have an in person studio in my home and I also started this community and officially opened its doors on July 1. The studio I have really unique pieces of equipment. I have a power plate, I have a true form runner, I have yoga trapezes and I have a full spectrum, infrared sauna. These function as a way to kind of make well-being a little bit more fun, and to leverage our body in ways that you know if you can't do a crane the yoga pose, a crane on the floor, you could do a crane in a trapeze. It gives you an opportunity to kind of feel that same with the power plate. The true form runner is a non-powered track treadmill that we use barefoot. So you cannot propel the true form runner forward if your heel striking, if your posture if you're not upright, if you're leaning forward. So it's a great opportunity for women to kind of feel their body, try their body in positions they're not used to, and then go home and practice. 

What they were going home and practicing was essentially the groundwork for my four minute practices. The idea of coming into the studio was to work with me for a specified period of time, so you could create a wellness program, and no longer need me. I want women to rely on their own inner guidance and their inner wisdom, that they're not I'm not a guru, I am they everything that they need.It is within them already.

 As I was sending them home, they started asking about Well could you record the four minute practice could I set up my own iPhone could we do this so I could take it home and what grew from that is this new community that launched on July 1, which is an opportunity for women to get six new four minute practices, every month. So at the end of the year you'd have 72 different practices. There's a book club. Right now, we're reading the Anti diet. There are books that the average woman, probably doesn't even know have been written about wellness and well being, because they're not the ones that are on Good Morning America, For the most part I mean the anti diet probably was back in the day because Christy Harris, Christie Harrison, who is the author created a concept of Health at Every Size, and that is something that she's teaching and providing certifications for people but it's not something that your average girlfriend is reading. She's probably reading the keto diet, or the fasting diet or the hit Program that guarantees if you do it 20 minutes a day you'll lose 21 pounds and 21 days kind of thing. So we're reading those types of books.We do a large format group conversation call once a month, usually based on a theme or is based on a theme, I should say, and then a guest speaker, so I'm bringing in women who are detangling wellness detangling it to figure out what well being looks like for them, and then coming into the community, from teachers like you to inspiration, inspirational speakers, whatever our theme is for that month so in the course of a month you get these four minute practices, you get a book that you can read along in community, you get the conversation once a month to ask questions about the movements or anything else that we're talking about. And then the guest speaker. 

And this community is free of food talk, there's no food dogma, there's no diet, there's no prescriptive fitness. Yes we move our bodies and we integrate our breath, but there's no you have to do X each day. We have removed fear and insecurity when it comes to societal body norms. We don't have that, and there's no judgment and there's no shaming so it's not. Did you do your four minute practices today? You know it's not that it's really just a community to open the door to creating a well being routine that meets you right where you're at and works. Naturally, with your, with the, with the up and down of your daily rhythm that,

Ericka Thomas  34:28  

That sounds like a great way to kind of help people move away from checking the box off and into more of this holistic view of finding a way to be well for yourself. And in a supportive community. People underestimate the power of being in community with others who are on that same or similar journey with you, that support can be really really powerful and get you much farther forward much quicker than if you are just struggling through on your own, with all of the mythology that's out there.

Paula Davis  35:13  

Yeah. And the community is only $8, a month. Now because you're only getting $8 of value, you're getting a way more. You're getting your, your aromatic apothecary you're getting breath, you're getting movement you're getting food and how to make nourishing foods. I don't do recipes but I do explain how to prepare foods in a non traditional recipe way. And you're also getting those self care, rituals, spiritual practices and nature. You know examples and things to do to ground yourself in nature.

It's all a part of it, the $8 is really for me to pull it into a safe and convenient package we do our community in Mighty Network, which is new for some people. We don't do it on Facebook because we wanted it to be safe and secure, and we wanted it to be private. We wanted you to know that what's happening in that community stays in our community. It gives me a lot more control to make sure we adhere to the rules within our community you're never sold to, not even by me. You're not sold to in this community. This is an opportunity for you to dialogue and be in conversation with other women about well being from a holistic within a holistic framework. I'm, I really want it to be accessible. 

One of the things that, as an instructor and having my own studio, it's costly for someone to come and do private sessions for 90 minutes, and then follow that up with a 30 minutes of sauna, not everybody has that. But these well being practices, these six foundational elements, they are for all, and it's just a matter of making a commitment to yourself and sometimes that eight bucks makes you kind of show up in the community because if you're in a free Facebook group, you kind of ignore it. That little bit of money is enough to keep you invested, keep you aware and to keep you protected in our community.

Ericka Thomas  37:17  

That's fantastic. That sounds great. So Paula, how can people sign up? Where can they learn more about this. Where should we send them today?

Paula Davis  37:26  

So if you go to That will take you to a, an introductory page in mighty networks, kinda like a landing page that explains what's included in the community and then it gives you an opportunity to pay monthly your $8, or to register and it's, you know, eight times 12 So it's $96 if you pay for the month, it's fair, whether you're paying monthly or whether you're paying for the whole year. The only difference is that if people will commit to the year, then I provide a session with me, so that they have the accountability to say okay these are what my goals are nothing that's rigid, but anything that they want help with, if they're looking for an accountability buddy, then I can keep my eye out in the community looking for someone that I think has similar needs and wants, as them and help them pair up so it's just a way for me to better know the women in the community to help them figure out what their targets are, and then to make the community fit their needs because they have an opportunity to let me know what they would like to see in the community. So it evolves to serve them.

Ericka Thomas  38:42  

Yeah, yeah, that sounds great. Okay, so we will put those in the show notes for sure. And I just want to thank you, Paula for coming on again, I really, I always enjoy talking to you. And I think  my community loves it too, you just have such a refreshing view on the world and on being well, and I just wanted to help share that with everyone. Is there anything else that you wanted to share before we go.

Paula Davis  39:09  

I just wanted to thank you for this opportunity. I love spending time with you, I love your work. I am a client. I have participated in your trauma release sessions, and I think they're exceptionally beneficial, and I thank you for being, you know someone for me to reach out to, to talk about what I do and to have a friend in the community.

Ericka Thomas  39:31  

Thank you Paula.

 I love Paula's perspective on well being. Isn't it refreshing and freeing to know that we don't have to do health and wellness in a prescriptive way. 

Next time, we are going to shift our focus and move deeper into nourishment for the body, mind and soul, and really practical tips of how you can incorporate healthy eating, every single day. Paula has some fantastic tips and tricks and ways to make it easier and less time consuming to eat well, not just for you, but for the whole family. And so I hope you'll come back and join me for that episode that'll be next week. Thank you so much for joining me today on the work IN. And if you like what you heard and you want to learn a little bit more, head over to to find all of the show notes from today's episode, and more. We'll see you next time on the work IN.

Transcribed by


I’m Ericka

I coach warriors. I guide outstanding individuals off the battlefield of trauma to retrain the nervous system, safely reconnect through the body and recover resilience in their personal & professional relationships.

The Work IN Is dedicated to bringing you new and different perspectives on physical, mental and emotional fitness beyond what the eyes can see.

I teach a powerfully effective modality called trauma release exercise that works through the body without the need to relive the story.

I offer online, on demand private  sessions, courses & memberships for individuals, small groups and corporate clients looking to build resilience and recover from stress injury.


Freedom from the wellness fairytale: Part 2 simplifying food prep with Paula Davis


The path to Freedom though food, fitness, & mindset