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The business backbone you need to stand and deliver your dharma

The nature of entrepreneurship is experimental. There isn’t any certainty that what you have to offer is what people want. So we test and investigate and try things. There comes a point in every business and especially wellness business where you have to stop testing and stand and deliver. Today on The Work IN we’re going to take a look at what that looks like for successful fit-preneurs and the critical mindset skills you need to build a business backbone, stay creative, focused and grow professionally and personally.

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Making money your freedom, safety and female empowerment with Sandy Connery

Our guest today is Sandy Connery. She is the co founder of marvelous software, soulful, MBA and connectable dot biz software after an amazing 20 year career in footwear, and gait analysis, Sandy sold her million dollar brick and mortar retail business and clinic and she now brings her business experience to the online space where she loves to create community, teach and inspire other women to find the freedom and impact they desire.

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Life Coaching, Entrepreneur, Stress Relief Ericka Thomas Life Coaching, Entrepreneur, Stress Relief Ericka Thomas

Mental fitness and Mastering your saboteurs with Life Coach Jenny Toh

mental fitness, based on the training that I did with Dr Shirzad Charmine, Positive Intelligence is the, the way you look at life situation from a positive and resilient mindset, as opposed to a negative one. So it doesn't mean that you know you put on a smiley face all the time. No, it’s looking at the situation objectively and seeing what you can glean from it. Yes you have those feelings like grief, anger, anxiety, but then experience those feelings. And after that, be able to take a step back and ask yourself, what is the gift in the situation, what is the learning opportunity here.

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